A firm you can trust
BPH Legal aim to resolve your legal issues quickly, fairly and discreetly. We are dedicated to achieve the best possible outcome.
We adopt a caring and compassionate approach with our clients, develop our relationships and support you through the whole legal process and make it easy to understand. We support you every step of the way.
We believe in treating all people with the dignity and respect.
Our legal advice spans all areas of common law. Please feel free to contact us to discuss you legal matters.
Our Approach: We team up with you together discovering the most suitable and cost-effective strategies to resolve your legal issues. BPH Legal, the solicitors you can count on.
Level 3, 100 Harris Street
Pyrmont NSW 2000
Monday to Friday: 9am – 5pm
Weekend: By Appointment
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.